How to apply beard oil ?
Moisturizing your beard is essential if you don’t want to end up with dry, rough and brittle hair. The hairs, it’is like the skin, it must be moisturized and nourished to keep it shiny and healthy.
There are many different oils that are ideal for moisturizing the beard. Depending on the ingredients contained in the oil, the benefits will be different since each ingredient does not provide the same benefits. It is important to experiment with them to see which one is best for your skin and hair type.
If you want to start using beards’beard oil, the best time to use it’The best time to apply it is after the shower, once the beard is clean and dry. But, how to apply it properly ?
How to apply oil on the beard ?
Applying beard oil properly is a multi-step process. The first thing to do is to remove the dead hairs with a tooth comb or a brush. Brushing also helps to remove any dirt that may have gotten stuck in the beard.
Then you can move on to applying the oil to your beard:
- Put a few drops in your palm. The amount of oil to use depends on the length of the beard to be maintained. Rub your hands together to distribute the oil evenly;
- Then run your hands through your beard, starting at the top and gently massaging the ends with your fingertips;
- To finish, use a tooth comb or a brush to distribute the beard oil more evenly. The distribution will be even more uniform.
How much oil should be applied to the beard ?
The amount of oil to use to moisturize your beard depends on its length. A short beard will need a smaller amount of hydration while a long beard will need more care.
For a short beard, use between 2 and 3 drops of beard oil. For a long beard, 4 or 5 drops of oil may be necessary.
To know if the quantity of beard oil used is sufficient, check your hands when you apply the oil. If your hands dry too quickly, it means that you have not used enough oil. A second application is recommended.
The best time to apply beard oil is in the morning and evening. Ideally, spread the application throughout the day rather than moisturizing just once a day. Put, for example 2 drops in the morning and 2 drops in the evening so that your beard is hydrated as much the day as the night.
What are the advantages of beard oil ?
Contrary to what you might think, beard oil does not grease the hair and avoids skin irritations rather than causing them.
Finally, are the preconceived notions about beard oil true? ? What are the advantages of using a beard oil ?
The beard oil does not grease the hairs.
If your beard becomes greasy after applying a beard oil, which one should you use?’If you have any problems with the product, it may be due to improper use of the product. You may be using too much… To be effective, a small amount of oil is needed, between 2 and 4 drops depending on the length of your beard. A good application will not leave a greasy film on your hair and you can have a soft beard.
Beard oil is not just a beauty accessory.
Contrary to what you might think, beard oil is not just an accessory. It is really useful and even necessary for the good health of your beard. An unkempt beard will quickly become dry, brittle and unkempt.
It is important to know that a beard oil is composed of an organic oil such as castor oil, coconut, argan, jojoba, olive, avocado etc. and an essential oil which brings a pleasant scent.
Skin irritation and itching from beard oils.
The beard oil does not cause rashes, on the contrary, it is recommended to avoid this unpleasant skin problem. The proper use of beard oil moisturizes the skin under the beard and nourishes the hair. Dry skin is avoided, as well as after-shave pimples.
If you have sensitive skin (redness, eczema, dryness, irritation etc.), you should not use it.), prefer oils whose composition has been specially designed for your skin type. You will avoid potential allergies.