CBD and THC: two enemy sisters ?
As the’As the legal use of hemp plant products grows, many of them have been used in the past’we are curious to know what distinguishes CBD from THC. If these products share many common points, some essential differences determine their use. To learn more about these compounds, we explain in this article the fundamental differences between these two molecules.
Qu’hat distinguishes CBD from THC ?
Of the 113 cannabinoids that make up hemp, CBD and THC are the two chemical compounds that have seen increased interest in recent years. They interact with the endocannabinoid system of our body. This interaction affects the release of neurotransmitters in our brain, chemicals responsible for transmitting messages between our cells. They are associated, among other things, with the mechanism of memory, pain, immune function, sleep and stress.
However, there is a significant difference between these two compounds. Indeed, THC produces a euphoric effect, unlike CBD. D’CBD-based products must contain less than 0.3% THC, which makes it non-psychoactive. Therefore, it is not addictive, unlike THC. The latter is particularly addictive. It leads to an impairment of cognitive abilities and’appearance of the eyes. Main psychoactive ingredient of cannabis, THC triggers a release of dopamine at a higher than normal dose.
C’It is for this reason that’there are processes that allow us to’to completely extract THC from certain products. For example, if you click here, you will find natural oils with different concentrations of CBD, some of which contain less than 0.3% THC and others that contain less than 0.5%’others that do not’do not contain any.
CBD and THC: are they legal ?
By choosing to’When using products containing cannabinoids, it is important to consider their legality. In France and in many European countries, THC is classified as an illegal substance. Its consumption is strictly forbidden even for recreational use. However, there is an exception in an urgent and extremely rare case. L’The use of THC is then subject to strict controls and restrictions that cannot be waived by the stakeholders.
As for CBD, the French legislation updated on January 25, 2022 allows the use of products containing cannabinoids’use, provided that its THC content is less than 0.3%. Otherwise, it is considered a narcotic. Products containing CBD cannot be sold as pharmaceuticals or claim therapeutic properties, unless they are sold as a drug’they do not’have been approved as medicines. Finally, any advertisement for a product containing CBD must draw a clear line in relation to the use of cannabis for recreational purposes.
The harvest, the’import or export’The use of the plant or parts of the plant from which CBD is derived may be banned in the near future (the’(The December 30, 2021 ban is currently suspended). The consumption of CBD in the form of herbal tea is thus temporarily prohibited, as it may contain raw leaves or flowers. Only the’Industrial” hemp extract is authorized for recreational use’use and trade.
What other cannabinoids exist ?
There are other illegal substances’other cannabinoids that, like THC and CBD, have an impact on the endocannabinoid system of our body. Among these, we can mention CBC (cannabichromene), CBG (cannabigerol) and CBN (cannabinol). The latter is, along with CBD and THC, the most widespread cannabinoid. It is slightly psychoactive, but its presence in the hemp plant remains particularly weak. It results from the’oxidation of THC when exposed to ultraviolet light.
To the’Like CBN, CBG is not illegal’It exists only in negligible proportions in hemp. However, it does not produce a drug’psychoactive effect. Considered as the stem cell of THC and CBD, this cannabinoid is presented as the source from which all other cannabinoids are derived. As for the CBC, it has structural similarities with its other sisters. Its particularity lies in its weak affinities with certain receptors of the endocannabinoid system, notably CB1. Apart from that, the CBC plays mainly the role of a drug’activator of THC in the’helping to deliver its effects.
This list is not exhaustive’The research is not exhaustive and, although the studies are more limited, the researchers are still working on the subject’agree that cannabinoids have a much greater impact when’they interact together. C’Is that’It is called the’s effect’entourage.
Both extracted from cannabis, CBD and THC have active ingredients that allow them to be used in the production of cannabis’interact on the endocannabinoid system of our body. It should be noted, however, that THC is known for its harmful effects on our body, in particular, the’addiction to a psychotropic substance. CBD, for its part, is more and more in demand, although its commercialization is not yet complete’object of many debates.